Happy Birthday!








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Jokes.Net: Time for a Laugh

Birthday Celebrations.Net

Birthday Jokes

Short Jokes

  • He is so dumb, he thinks an agent is someone who keeps track of your age!

    Q: Why won't anyone eat the dogs birthday cake?
    A: Because he always slobbers out the candles!

  • Do you think my skin is starting to show its age?"
    "I can't tell. There are too many wrinkles."

  • "I'm giving a 'surprised' birthday party for you."
    "A 'surprised'. birthday party? What's that?"
    "That's where I invite a bunch of your friends, and if any of them come, I'll be surprised!"

    Q: What's the best way to find out an elephant's age?
    A: Check his driver's license.

    Q: How can you tell if an elephant's been to your birthday party?
    A: Look for his footprints in the ice cream.

    Q: What are your two favourite times to party?
    A: Daytime and night-time!

    Q: Why did the fat monster put a candle on his tummy?
    A: He was celebrating his girthday!

    Knock, knock!
    Who's there?
    Jimmy who?
    Jimmy some ice cream and cake! I'm starving!

    Q; What usually comes after the monster lights the birthday candles?
    A: The fire department.

    Q: What does the hungry monster get after he's eaten too much ice cream?
    A: More ice cream!

    Q: What's the difference between a dim monster and a birthday candle?
    A: The candle is a thousand times brighter!

  • "Were any famous men born on your birthday?"
    "No, only little babies."

  • For his birthday the monster asked for a heavy sweater.
    So they gave him a sumo wrestler!

    Q: Why did the boy feel warm on his birthday?
    A: Because people kept toasting him!

  • Cat: "What did you get him for his birthday?"
    Dog: "Pant . . . pant!"
    Cat: "Great . . . he needs a pair of pants!"

    Short Birthday Jokes Page 4

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