Happy Birthday!








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Traditions from Around the World:

Birthday Celebrations from Holland

    In Holland the birthday years are called "crown" years.

    The birthday child receives an especially large gift on a crown year birthday.

    The family also decorates the birthday child's chair at the dining room table with seasonal flowers.

    Special year birthdays such as 5, 10, 15, 20, 21 are called "crown" years. The birthday child receives an especially large gift on a crown year birthday. The family also decorates the birthday child's chair at the dining room table with seasonal flowers or paper streamers, paper flowers and balloons.

    People in Holland hang Birthday Calendars to remind them of the birth dates of all their family and friends. When a Dutch person is unable to visit a birthday child on their special day, a card is always sent to wish the child well. Adults often bring a birthday cake to work to share with co-workers on their special day.

    People rarely send out invitations and presents are often inexpensive. Gift certificates and birthday cards are popular.

    The invitation to a birthday party is usually for 'coffee', from 8pm to 9pm; later on drinks are served.

    When visiting a Dutch friend at home, it is customary to take a bunch of flowers or some candy. A bottle of wine is also appreciated.

    The Dutch do not feel comfortable with people dropping in unannounced, not even on a birthday!

    April 30 is not Queen Beatrix’ birthday, but her mother's, Princess Juliana. Queen's Beatrix’ own birthday is in January, which is too cold a month for outdoor festivities.

    Queen's Day is a holiday featuring fairs and open-air markets everywhere. Queen Beatrix visits two different towns every year.

    Another important birthday is Sinterklaas'. This Saint gives presents on the eve of his birthday, on December 5.

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